We have adopted and renewed very popular “Independent bead shape” 4G63 yet for RB26DETT which is still very active in the tuning market.
For the race the "Independent bead" is the main stream of the water holes or Head Bolt holes. So even if the combustion gas is leaked because of big power setting or degradation, it will reduce the risk of overheat by making it water holes independent bead.
By redesigning the water holes area between Head Bolt holes and bore, it will protect head from water flow in because it will prevent the crack at the Head Bolt holes block.
We also have redesigned the stopper and bead which make less likely to leak.
Bench test vehicle was 660ps and actual drive test vehicle was 600ps and 80kgm torque at a circuit.
The kit comes with conventional products of exhaust manifold, intake manifold and metal gasket of throttle.
We recommend to use with strengthen head bolt kit.