Racing Suction

Racing Suction

Code No. 70020-AZ106





  • Although maximum horsepower will not increase much, torque at around 3500 - 4500rpm will increased and engine response will be improved.
  • The polished aluminum prevents deformation of suction hose.



━ Stock Horsepower 217.4 (kW)
(295.7 PS)
Racing Suction Horsepower 223.8 (kW) 
(304.4 PS)

━ Stock Torque 457.6 (N・m)
(46.7 kg・m)
Racing Suction Torque 472.6 (N・m)
(48.2 kg・m)

Specification  :  HKS MUFFLER



Impression Stock Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good
Low/mid RPM RS Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good


Impression Stock Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good
High RPM RS Bad 1 2 3 4 5 Good


Intake sound Stock Small 1 2 3 4 5 Loud
Revving RS Small 1 2 3 4 5 Loud


Intake sound Stock Small 1 2 3 4 5 Loud
During driving RS Small 1 2 3 4 5 Loud






  • Racing Suction is a air cleaner device for a car engine. For the best super power flow filter performance, please chagne the filter regularly.
  • We recommend you to use a high temperrature type spark plug because of the higher power with this product. Please change the spark plug for sure especially in the sport racing.
  • This product is made for a stock vehicles but for some cars, it might need to adjust in AFR, F-CON settings.



Vehicle Classification Model Engine Model Year Style Size Code No. Manual Remarks
MAZDA SPEED AXELA DBA- BL3FW L3-VDT 09/06 -13/10 Racing Suction Φ200-80/Red 70020-AZ106 Make to order item