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Vehicle Model Engine Model Year Communication Type OBD II Coupler position Fuel Correction Speed E/G RPM Water Temp Ignition Timing A/F Correction 1/2 A/F Learmin 1/2 Intake Air Volume Intake Air Temp Throttle Angle 1/2 Intake Manifold Press O2 Voltage 1/2 Airflow 1/2 Fuel Injection Time Axel Positon E/G Oil Temp T/M Oil Temp Gear Position Steering Angle * Brake * Code No. Manual Detail Remarks
86 ZN6 FA20 16/08-21/10 TOYOTA2 × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
86 ZN6 FA20 12/04-16/07 TOYOTA2 × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
bB QNC20 K3-VE 05/12-16/08 TOYOTA2 750 × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
bB QNC21 3SZ-VE 05/12-16/08 TOYOTA2 1000 × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
bB QNC25 K3-VE 05/12-16/08 TOYOTA2 750 × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
bB NCP30 2NZ-FE 00/02-05/12 TOYOTA1 1000 × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
bB NCP31 1NZ-FE 00/02-05/12 TOYOTA1 1000 × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
bB NCP35 1NZ-FE 00/02-05/12 TOYOTA1 1000 × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
C-HR NGX50 8NR-FTS 16/12-23/07 ISOCAN × × × × × × × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
GR86 ZN8 FA24 21/10- ISOCAN × × × × × × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
GR COROLLA GZEA14H G16E-GTS 22/10- ISOCAN × × × × × × × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
GR SUPRA DB82 B48 19/05- ISOCAN × × × × × × × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
GR SUPRA DB42 B58 19/05- ISOCAN × × × × × × × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
GR YARIS GXPA16 G16E-GTS 20/09- ISOCAN × × × × × × × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
MR-S ZZW30 1ZZ-FE 99/10-07/07 TOYOTA1 1040 × × × × × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
RAV4 MXAA54 M20A-FKS 19/04- ISOCAN × × × × × × × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
RAV4 ACA31W 2AZ-FE 05/11-08/09 TOYOTA2 1200 × × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
RAV4 ACA36W 2AZ-FE 05/11-08/09 TOYOTA2 1200 × × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
RAV4 ACA20W 1AZ-FSE 00/05-05/10 TOYOTA1 1200 × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
RAV4 ACA21W 1AZ-FSE 00/05-05/10 TOYOTA1 1200 × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
RAV4 PHV AXAP54 A25A-FXS 20/06-22/10 ISOCAN × × × × × × × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
Will CYPHA NCP70 2NZ-FE 02/10-05/07 TOYOTA1 1000 × × 44009-AK001 * To be discontinued. *Only for Android devices
Will CYPHA NCP75 1NZ-FE 02/10-05/07 TOYOTA1 1000 × ×