
Representative items that have built the history of HKS

HKS の歴史を彩る数々の名タービン。それらはチューニング界の歴史そのものであります。
その流れを汲む名機を各車両に向けて最適化。必要な他部品をセットにし、ノーマルからのステップアップに最適なサイズから究極のパワーを目指すビッグタービンまで、走行目的に合わせたタービンチョイスを可能にしたのが HKS タービンキット。

There are many famous turbines in the history of HKS, that are part of the history of the Tuning itself. We continue working on turbines, optimising and selecting the right one for each vehicle and application. Adding other necessary parts we have made complete tuning kits to fulfil most sophisticated desires of users who want a little boost up and users who are going after the ultimate high power tuning. Our turbine kits include a variety of options for racing and street applications.
We use the knowledge from our motorsports experience, where we test our turbines in the most extreme and rough conditions, to continue developing the world's best turbine kits.