- HKS CNR FUEL(Carbon Neutral Racing Fuel)は、持続可能なエネルギー源(100% Fossil Free)を活用した次世代のレース燃料です。環境への影響を最小限に抑えながら、パフォーマンスと効率を追求しています。
- HKS CNR FUELは再生可能エネルギーを原料として使用しています。太陽光、風力、水力、バイオ燃料などのクリーンエネルギーを活用し、石油由来の燃料に比べて二酸化炭素の排出量を大幅に削減します。これにより、環境への負荷を軽減し、気候変動への対策に貢献します。
- 従来の燃料に匹敵する高いエネルギー密度とパワーを提供します。その結果、レースカーのパフォーマンス向上が期待できます。持続可能性と高性能を両立させることで、環境への負荷を削減しつつ、モータースポーツによる興奮とスリルの体感を将来的にも可能とします。
- HKSは、今後も環境への負荷を考慮しつつ、持続可能な未来(脱炭素社会実現)のためにカスタマイズに革新をもたらす商品を提案し続けます。
- HKS CNR FUEL (Carbon Neutral Racing Fuel) is the next generation of racing fuel that utilizes sustainable energy sources (100% Fossil Free). It is formulated for high performance and high fuel efficiency while minimizing environmental harm.
- HKS CNR FUEL is made from renewable energy sources. By utilizing clean energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biofuels, HKS CNR FUEL significantly reduces carbon dioxide emissions compared to petroleum-based fuels. This reduces the burden on the environment and contributes to the fight against climate change.
- HKS CNR FUEL provides high energy density and power comparable to conventional fuels. As a result, it is expected to improve the performance of race cars. Combining sustainability and high performance reduces the environmental impact while enabling the excitement and thrill of motorsports to be experienced well into the future.
- HKS will continue to introduce products that bring innovation to aftermarket car parts industry for a sustainable future ( to realize a decarbonized society), while considering the impact on the environment.
大気中の二酸化炭素(CO2)と再生可能エネルギーにより作られた電気で水を電気分解し得られた水素(H2)から作る合成燃料(e-fuel)や植物や廃棄物などを精製して作るバイオ燃料など、製造時CO2回収量 = 燃焼時CO2発生量(炭素中立)となる燃料をカーボンニュートラル燃料と呼びます。
Carbon Neutral Fuels include those fuels such as synthetic fuels (e-fuel) made from atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen (H2) obtained by an electrolysis of water with electricity generated from renewable energy (eco), and biofuels made by refining plants and waste materials, where the amount of CO2 absorbed during production = the amount of CO2 generated during combustion (carbon neutral).
HKS Racing Fuel Technology
Our race gasoline know-how, developed through HKS' racing activities, helps us to develop various formulations of gasoline. We pursue to realize high energy density and high knock resistance, while at the same time being environmentally friendly.
Taking it to the NEXT level
高いエネルギー密度と耐ノック性をもつCNR FUELは、内燃機関のポテンシャルを最大限に引き出すことで、出力と熱効率の高次元での両立を可能とします。
With its high energy density and knock resistance, CNR FUEL maximizes the potential of internal combustion engines to achieve both power output and thermal efficiency at a high level.