For Prints


Vehicle Model Engine Model Year Series Full Kit Spring Rate F/R Free Height Damping Force Piston Speed 0.1m/sec Damping Force N Vehicle Height (Highest - Lowest) Code No. Manual Detail Remarks
F: Rebound/Compression R: Rebound/Compression
86 ZN6 FA20 12/04-21/10 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=39(4) 170/170 900/300 720/150 -16(0 - -60) -14(0 - -79) 80230-AT001 Detail * Discontinued.
SAI AZK10 2AZ-FXE(2AZ-2JM) 09/12-17/11 MAX IV GT F=49(5)/R=49(5) 220(Barrel)/200(Barrel) 481/147 284/177 -47(0 - -68) -34(0 - -56) 80230-AT012 Detail * Discontinued. Rear:Separate type
AQUA GR SPORT NHP10 1NZ-FXE(1NZ-1LM) 17/11-21/06 MAX IV GT F=49(5)/R=49(5) 200(Barrel)/150(Barrel) 432/245 265/186 -24(0 - -47) -24(-14- -44) 80230-AT022G Detail * Discontinued.
ALTEZZA SXE10 3S-GE 98/10-05/07 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 170/200 1775/441 1049/177 -41(0 - -71) -34(0 - -109) 80230-AT006 Detail * Discontinued.
ALTEZZA GXE10 1G-FE 98/10-05/07 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 170/200 1775/441 1049/177 -41(0 - -71) -34(0 - -109) 80230-AT006 Detail * Discontinued.
ALTEZZA GITA JCE10W 2JZ-GE 03/08-05/07 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 170/200 1775/441 1049/177 -41(0 - -71) -34(0 - -109) 80230-AT006 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on SXE10(ALTEZZA).
ALTEZZA GITA GXE10W 1G-FE 03/08-05/07 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 170/200 1775/441 1049/177 -41(0 - -71) -34(0 - -109) 80230-AT006 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on SXE10(ALTEZZA).
Vitz GR SPORT NCP131 1NZ-FE 17/09-20/03 MAX IV GT F=49(5)/R=49(5) 200(Barrel)/150(Barrel) 412/177 284/147 F=-37(-17 - -61) R=-33(0- -53) 80230-AT021G Detail * Discontinued.
VEROSSA JZX110 1JZ-GTE 01/07-04/05 MAX IV GT F=157(16)/R=118(12) 170/200 2000/400 900/220 -44(0 - -98) -54(0 - -95) 80230-AT008 Detail * Discontinued.
VEROSSA GX110 1G-FE 01/07-04/05 MAX IV GT F=157(16)/R=118(12) 170/200 2000/400 900/220 -44(0 - -98) -54(0 - -95) 80230-AT008 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on JZX110(1JZ-GTE).
COROLLA SPORT ZWE211H 2ZR-FXE(2ZR-1NM) 18/06- MAX IV GT F=49(5)/R=49(5) 200(Barrel)/220(Barrel) 735/201 471/186 -36(0 - -61) -38(-1 - -79) 80230-AT016 Detail * Discontinued. After lowering the vehicle height, the irradiation range of a millimeter wave radar and monocular camera may become narrow that result in malfunction of ToyotaSafetySense (TSS).
COROLLA SPORT NRE210H 8NR-FTS 18/06- MAX IV GT F=49(5)/R=49(5) 200(Barrel)/220(Barrel) 735/201 471/186 -35(0 - -60) -31(0 - -72) 80230-AT016 Detail * Discontinued. After lowering the vehicle height, the irradiation range of a millimeter wave radar and monocular camera may become narrow that result in malfunction of ToyotaSafetySense (TSS).
COROLLA TOURING ZWE211W 2ZR-FXE(2ZR-1NM) 19/09- MAX IV GT F=49(5)/R=49(5) 200(Barrel)/220(Barrel) 735/201 471/186 -27(0 - -52) -33(1 - -48) 80230-AT016 Detail * Discontinued. Lowering the ride height may affect operation range of the radar/camera. Due to change in roll center, TSS may operate incorrectly at times. We are unable to accept any responsibility for any issues due to TSS malfunction.
CROWN GWS224 8GR-FXS(8GR-2NM) 18/06- MAX IV GT F=88(9)/R=98(10) 250/235(Barrel) 1059/314 726/284 -28(0 - -57) -30(+1 - -69) 80230-AT015 Detail * Discontinued.  ※After lowering the vehicle height, the irradiation range of a millimeter wave radar and monocular camera may become narrow that result in malfunction of TSSP. HKS will not be responsible for any accident caused by TSSP malfunction after installing this product.
※Modification of the rear inner fender is required.
Change front springs from 8K-250 to 9K-250.
CROWN AZSH20 A25A-1KM 18/06- MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=98(10) 250/235(Barrel) 1059/314 726/284 -26(0 - -62) -24(+1 - -72) 80230-AT015 Detail * Discontinued.  ※After lowering the vehicle height, the irradiation range of a millimeter wave radar and monocular camera may become narrow that result in malfunction of TSSP. HKS will not be responsible for any accident caused by TSSP malfunction after installing this product.
※Modification of the rear inner fender is required.
CROWN ARS220 8AR-FTS 18/06-22/07 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=98(10) 250/235(Barrel) 1059/314 726/284 -28(0 - -64) -30(+1 - -88) 80230-AT015 Detail * Discontinued.  ※After lowering the vehicle height, the irradiation range of a millimeter wave radar and monocular camera may become narrow that result in malfunction of TSSP. HKS will not be responsible for any accident caused by TSSP malfunction after installing this product.
※Modification of the rear inner fender is required.
CROWN ARS210 8AR-FTS 15/10-18/06 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -31(0 - -59) -24(0 - -113) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  The lower limit of rear vehicle height is a value at the time of removing a helper spring.
CROWN AWS210 2AR-FSE(2AR-1KM) 12/12-18/06 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R=59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -43(0 - -76) -37(0 - -124) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  The lower limit of rear vehicle height is a value at the time of removing a helper spring.
CROWN GRS214 2GR-FSE 12/12-18/06 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R=59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -17(0 - -67) -24(0 - -125) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  The lower limit of rear vehicle height is a value at the time of removing a helper spring.
CROWN GRS210 4GR-FSE 12/12-18/06 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R=59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -17(0 - -67) -24(0 - -125) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on GRS214. The lower limit of rear vehicle height is a value at the time of removing a helper spring.
CROWN GRS200 4GR-FSE 08/02-12/11 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -51(0 - -91) -32(0 - -98) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on GRS204(3.5L).
CROWN GRS202 3GR-FSE 08/02-12/11 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -51(0 - -91) -32(0 - -98) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on GRS204(3.5L).
CROWN GRS204 2GR-FSE 08/02-12/11 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -51(0 - -91) -32(0 - -98) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.
CROWN GRS184 2GR-FSE 05/10-08/01 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -38(0 - -75) -29(0 - -96) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.
CROWN GRS182 3GR-FSE 03/12-05/09 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -38(0 - -75) -29(0 - -96) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on 'GRS184'.
CROWN GRS180 2GR-FSE 03/12-08/01 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -38(0 - -75) -29(0 - -96) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on 'GRS184'.
CROWN MAJESTA GWS214 2GR-FXE(2GR-1KM) 13/09-18/05 MAX IV GT F=*/R=* 200/250 853/226 745/196 -37(0 - -83) -38(0 - -112) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.
CRESTA JZX100 1JZ-GE 96/09-00/10 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued.
CRESTA JZX100 1JZ-GTE 96/09-00/10 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued.
CRESTA JZX101 2JZ-GE 96/09-00/10 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
CRESTA GX100 1G-FE 96/09-00/10 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
CRESTA JZX90 1JZ-GE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
CRESTA JZX90 1JZ-GTE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
CRESTA JZX91 2JZ-GE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
CRESTA GX90 1G-FE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
CRESTA SX90 4S-FE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
COPEN GR SPORT LA400A KF(TURBO) 19/10- MAX IV GT F=29(3)/R=24(2.4) 200(Barrel)/Special 196/98 137/98 -(-12 - -52) -33(-10 - -56) 80230-AD002 Detail * Discontinued.
SUPRA JZA80 2JZ-GTE 93/06-02/07 MAX IV GT F=137(14)/R=78(8) 200/200 2350/400 1000/200 -42(0 - -115) -23(0 - -105) 80230-AT010 Detail * Discontinued.
SUPRA JZA80 2JZ-GE 93/06-02/07 MAX IV GT F=137(14)/R=78(8) 200/200 2350/400 1000/200 -42(0 - -115) -23(0 - -105) 80230-AT010 Detail * Discontinued.
CHASER JZX100 1JZ-GE 96/09-00/10 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued.
CHASER JZX100 1JZ-GTE 96/09-00/10 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued.
CHASER JZX101 2JZ-GE 96/09-00/10 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
CHASER GX100 1G-FE 96/09-00/10 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
CHASER JZX90 1JZ-GE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
CHASER JZX90 1JZ-GTE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
CHASER JZX91 2JZ-GE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
CHASER GX90 1G-FE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
CHASER SX90 4S-FE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
HARRIER GR SPORT ASU65W 8AR-FTS 17/09-20/05 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R=98(10) F=200(Barrel)/R=150 650/350 650/400 F=-23(0 - -47) R=-25(0- -42) 80230-AT018G Detail * Discontinued.
MARK II JZX110 1JZ-GTE 00/10-04/10 MAX IV GT F=157(16)/R=118(12) 170/200 2000/400 900/220 -44(0 - -98) -54(0 - -95) 80230-AT008 Detail * Discontinued.
MARK II JZX110 1JZ-FSE 00/10-04/10 MAX IV GT F=157(16)/R=118(12) 170/200 2000/400 900/220 -44(0 - -98) -54(0 - -95) 80230-AT008 Detail * Discontinued.
MARK II GX110 1G-FE 00/10-04/10 MAX IV GT F=157(16)/R=118(12) 170/200 2000/400 900/220 -44(0 - -98) -54(0 - -95) 80230-AT008 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on JZX110(1JZ-GTE).
MARK II JZX100 1JZ-GTE 96/09-00/10 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued.
MARK II JZX100 1JZ-GE 96/09-00/10 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued.
MARK II JZX101 2JZ-GE 96/09-00/10 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
MARK II GX100 1G-FE 96/09-00/10 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
MARK II JZX90 1JZ-GTE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
MARK II JZX90 1JZ-GE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
MARK II JZX91 2JZ-GE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
MARK II GX90 1G-FE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
MARK II SX90 4S-FE 92/10-96/08 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=78(8) 200/200 1500/370 1000/230 -33(0 - -99) -31(0 - -119) 80230-AT009 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on JZX100(1JZ-GTE).
MARK X GRX133 2GR-FSE 09/10-19/12 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -36(0 - -81) -26(0 - -90) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on GRX130(4GR-FSE).
MARK X GRX130 4GR-FSE 09/10-19/12 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -36(0 - -81) -26(0 - -90) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.
MARK X GRX121 3GR-FSE 04/11-09/09 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -21(0 - -65) -19(0 - -85) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on GRX120(4GR-FSE).
MARK X GRX120 4GR-FSE 04/11-09/09 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -21(0 - -65) -19(0 - -85) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.
MARK X GRMN GRX133 KAI 2GR-FSE 19/03-19/12 MAX IV GT F=138(14)/R=98(10) 200/220(Barrel) 1500/460 1000/420 -12(0 - -41) -15(0- -69) 80230-AT003G Detail * Discontinued. We have tested Mark X GRMN model. We recommend the spring rate 19 N/mm (-2 kgf/mm) at the front and -9 N/mm (-1 kgf/mm) at the rear for suitable riding comfort. Vehicle behavior becomes a little less sporty, but comfortability is improved. *GR SPORT was not tested.
MARK X ZIO GGA10 2GR-FE 07/09-13/11 MAX IV GT F=49(5)/R=49(5) 220(Barrel)/200(Barrel) 481/147 284/177 -30(0 - -60) -25(0 - -65) 80230-AT012 Detail * Discontinued. Rear:Separate type
GT-R R35 VR38DETT 16/07- MAX IV GT F=157(16)/R=78(8) 200/250 1300/250 700/160 -5(0 - -82) -1(0 - -58) 80230-AN001 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on MY17.
GT-R R35 VR38DETT 07/12-16/06 MAX IV GT F=157(16)/R=78(8) 200/250 1300/250 700/160 -12(0 - -78) -13(0 - -70) 80230-AN001 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on MY07.
JUKE NF15 MR16DDT 13/02-20/06 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R=73.5(7.5) 200(Barrel)/Special 892/324 765/363 -36(-9 - -70) -35(-25- -55) 80230-AN015N Detail * Discontinued. Special grade for NISMO.
SILVIA S15 SR20DET 99/01-02/08 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=49(5) 220(Barrel)/250 839/382 211/137 -47(0 - -81) -45(0 - -80) 80230-AN002 Detail * Discontinued.
SILVIA S15 SR20DE 99/01-02/08 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=49(5) 220(Barrel)/250 839/382 211/137 -47(0 - -81) -45(0 - -80) 80230-AN002 Detail * Discontinued.
SILVIA S14 SR20DET 93/10-98/12 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=49(5) 220(Barrel)/250 839/382 211/137 -47(0 - -81) -45(0 - -80) 80230-AN002 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on S15(SR20DET).
SILVIA S14 SR20DE 93/10-98/12 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=49(5) 220(Barrel)/250 839/382 211/137 -47(0 - -81) -45(0 - -80) 80230-AN002 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on S15(SR20DET).
SKYLINE HV37 VQ35HR(VQ35-HM34) 13/11- MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=88(9) 220(Barrel)/250 1000/500 500/400 -28(0 - -66) -26(0 - -61) 80230-AN011 Detail * Discontinued. Application is not confirmed: Hybrid 4WD(HNV37) and 200GT-t(ZV37)
SKYLINE KV36 VQ37VHR 08/12-13/10 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=88(9) 200/Special 1250/350 550/250 -35(0 - -103) -43(-28 - -82) 80230-AN004 Detail * Discontinued.
SKYLINE PV36 VQ35HR 06/11-14/04 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=88(9) 200/Special 1250/350 550/250 -35(0 - -103) -43(-28 - -82) 80230-AN004 Detail * Discontinued.
SKYLINE V36 VQ25HR 06/11-14/01 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=88(9) 200/Special 1250/350 550/250 -35(0 - -103) -43(-28 - -82) 80230-AN004 Detail * Discontinued.
SKYLINE ER34 RB25DET 98/05-01/06 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R=49(5) 250/250 843/167 588/177 -41(0 - -67) -31(0 - -118) 80230-AN005 Detail * Discontinued. Can't install to NA
SKYLINE GT-R BNR34 RB26DETT 99/01-02/08 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=69(7) 200/250 961/206 657/196 -41(0 - -91) -34(0 - -107) 80230-AN007 Detail * Discontinued.
SKYLINE GT-R BCNR33 RB26DETT 95/01-98/12 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=69(7) 200/250 961/206 657/196 -36(0 - -85) -27(0 - -111) 80230-AN007 Detail * Discontinued.
SKYLINE GT-R BNR32 RB26DETT 89/08-94/12 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R=69(7) 250/200 863/186 588/216 -38(0 - -64) -20(0 - -89) 80230-AN008 Detail * Discontinued.
SKYLINE COUPE CKV36 VQ37VHR 07/10-14/04 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=88(9) 200/Special 1250/350 550/250 -35(0 - -102) -23(-7 - -66) 80230-AN004 Detail * Discontinued.
SKYLINE COUPE CPV35 VQ35DE 03/01-07/09 MAX IV GT F=88(9)/R=88(9) 250/Special 1285/275 637/167 -12(0 - -38) -15(0 - -50) 80230-AN010 Detail * Discontinued.  Rear different type. * Vehicle height data of Z33.
SERENA GFC27 MR20DD-SM24 17/11- MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R=82(8.4) 220(Barrel)/Special 892/486 368/245 -29(-3 - -50) -31(-8- -46) 80230-AN016N Detail * Discontinued. NISMO
NOTE NISMO E12KAI HR16DE 14/10-21/08 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=49(5) 170/170(Barrel) 471/284 255/177 -24(0 - -51) -24(0- -55) 80230-AN013N Detail * Discontinued. * When you adjust the vehicle height at the rear side, please read the instruction manual carefully.
FAIRLADY Z (Z) Z34 VQ37VHR 08/12-21/09 MAX IV GT F=98(10)/R=88(9) 200/Special 1069/265 451/167 -21(0 - -34) -20(0 - -62) 80230-AN009 Detail * Discontinued.  Version NISMO Compatibility not confirmed. Rear:Separate type.
FAIRLADY Z (Z) Z33 VQ35HR 07/01-08/11 MAX IV GT F=88(9)/R=88(9) 250/Special 1285/275 637/167 -12(0 - -38) -15(0 - -50) 80230-AN010 Detail * Discontinued.  Rear different type.
FAIRLADY Z (Z) Z33 VQ35DE 02/08-07/01 MAX IV GT F=88(9)/R=88(9) 250/Special 1285/275 637/167 -12(0 - -38) -15(0 - -50) 80230-AN010 Detail * Discontinued.  Rear different type.
FAIRLADY Z Roadster HZ33 VQ35DE 03/10-06/12 MAX IV GT F=88(9)/R=88(9) 250/Special 1285/275 637/167 -12(0 - -38) -15(0 - -50) 80230-AN010 Detail * Discontinued.  Rear different type. * Vehicle height data of Z33.
FAIRLADY Z Roadster HZ33 VQ35HR 07/01-08/11 MAX IV GT F=88(9)/R=88(9) 250/Special 1285/275 637/167 -12(0 - -38) -15(0 - -50) 80230-AN010 Detail * Discontinued.  Rear different type. * Vehicle height data of Z33.
MARCH NISMO K13KAI HR15DE 13/12-22/12 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=49(5) 170/170(Barrel) 451/304 265/206 0(0 - -50) 0(0- -58) 80230-AN014N Detail * Discontinued. * When you adjust the vehicle height at the rear side, please read the instruction manual carefully. Recommended height at test: F = -30 mm/R = -30 mm. The default height set equivalent to standard vehicle height to compliant with the safety standard and considering the rear fog lamp height.
CR-Z ZF2 LEA-MF6 12/10-17/01 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=49(5) 200/Special 873/407 196/133 -30(0 - -95) -34(-24 - -71) 80230-AH002 Detail * Discontinued. Rear:Separate type
CR-Z ZF1 LEA-MF6 10/02-12/09 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=49(5) 200/Special 873/407 196/133 -33(0 - -98) -37(-29 - -74) 80230-AH002 Detail * Discontinued. Rear:Separate type
S2000 AP2 F22C 05/11-09/09 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=69(7) 200/200 1496/280 853/260 -29(0 - -85) -28(0 - -67) 80230-AH001 Detail * Discontinued.
S2000 AP1 F20C 99/04-05/10 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=69(7) 200/200 1496/280 853/260 -29(0 - -85) -28(0 - -67) 80230-AH001 Detail * Discontinued.
S660 JW5 S07A(TURBO) 15/04-22/03 MAX IV GT F=29(3)/R=39(4) 200/220(Barrel) 226/137 172/79 -22(0 - -51) -28(0 - -56) 80230-AH007 Detail * Discontinued. Front damper is not the shock-body length adjustable but preload adjustable.
CIVIC FC1 L15C 17/09-21/08 MAX IV GT F=39(4)/R=39(4) 220(Barrel)/220(Barrel) 304/147 314/108 -31(0 - -57) -21(-1 - -67) 80230-AH009 Detail * Discontinued. Suitable only for JDM model.
CIVIC FK7 L15C 17/09-21/08 MAX IV GT F=39(4) R=39(4) 220(Barrel)/220(Barrel) 304/147 314/108 -25(0 - -51) -28(-9 - -74) 80230-AH009 Detail * Discontinued. Modelyear of JDM model: 17/9-
Compatible with a vehicle which front knuckle's insertion diameter is 52.0mm. Not compatible with Type R and a vehicle which front knuckle's insertion diameter is 50.5mm. In order to remove the stock suspension, removal of the front knuckle and hub assy is required. Installation by a professional is recommended.
CIVIC Si FC1 L15B 17/05- MAX IV GT F=39(4) R=39(4) 220(Barrel) / 220(Barrel) 343/157 314/108 -27(-17 - -48 ) -26( -1 - -36 ) 80230-KH001C Detail * Discontinued.
CIVIC Si FC3 L15B 17/05- MAX IV GT F=39(4) R=39(4) 220(Barrel) / 220(Barrel) 343/157 314/108 -27(-17 - -48 ) -26( -1 - -36 ) 80230-KH001C Detail * Discontinued.
CIVIC TYPE R FD2 K20A 07/03-10/08 MAX IV GT F=88(9)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/Special 1167/407 402/142 -20(0 - -71) -33(-13 - -53) 80230-AH003 Detail * Discontinued. Rear:Separate type. Not tested "MUGEN RR".
FIT GP4 LEA-MF6 12/05-13/08 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=37(3.8) 220(Barrel)/Special 451/177 206/147 -25(0 - -72) -31(0 - -49) 80230-AH004 Detail * Discontinued. 'RS' 2WD, Rear:Separate type. Height data is based on GE8.
FIT GP1 LDA-MF6 10/10-13/08 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=37(3.8) 220(Barrel)/Special 451/177 206/147 -37(0 - -93) -44(0 - -62) 80230-AH004 Detail * Discontinued. 2WD, Rear:Separate type.
FIT GE8 L15A 07/10-13/08 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=37(3.8) 220(Barrel)/Special 451/177 206/147 -25(0 - -72) -31(0 - -49) 80230-AH004 Detail * Discontinued. 2WD, Rear:Separate type.
FIT GE6 L13A 07/10-13/08 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=37(3.8) 220(Barrel)/Special 451/177 206/147 -37(-12 - -84) -33(-2 - -51) 80230-AH004 Detail * Discontinued. 2WD, Rear:Separate type.
FIT GD3 L15A 02/09-07/10 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=67(6.8) 220(Barrel)/Special 451/177 422/147 -45(0 - -81) -38(-13 - -69) 80230-AH005 Detail * Discontinued. 2WD, Rear:Separate type, Height data is based on 'GD3'.
FIT GD1 L13A 01/06-07/10 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=67(6.8) 220(Barrel)/Special 451/177 422/147 -45(0 - -81) -38(-13 - -69) 80230-AH005 Detail 2WD, Rear:Separate type, Height data is based on 'GD3'.
RX-7 FD3S 13B-REW 91/12-02/08 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=78(8) 200/200 1353/363 1079/314 -20(0 - -67) -24(0 - -86) 80230-AZ002 Detail * Discontinued.
RX-8 SE3P 13B-MSP 03/04-12/06 MAX IV GT F=88(9)/R=49(5) 200/Special 1334/304 608/167 -23(0 - -85) -37(-6 - -61) 80230-AZ001 Detail * Discontinued.
AXELA Sport BM2FS SH-VPTR 13/11-19/05 MAX IV GT F=39(4)/R=29(3) 250(Barrel)/250(Barrel) 481/226 250/152 -29(0 - -85) -32(-10 - -83) 80230-AZ005 Detail * Discontinued.
AXELA Sport BM5FS P5-VPS 13/11-19/04 MAX IV GT F=39(4)/R=29(3) 250(Barrel)/250(Barrel) 481/226 250/152 +2(0 - -59) -31(-9 - -82) 80230-AZ005 Detail * Discontinued.
ATENZA GJ2FP SH-VPTR 15/01-18/05 MAX IV GT F=49(5)/R=39(4) 250(Barrel)/250(Barrel) 490/240 299/201 -39(0 - -71) -21(0 - -49) 80230-AZ004 Detail * Discontinued.
ATENZA WAGON GJ2AW SH-VPTR 15/01-19/07 MAX IV GT F=49(5)/R=39(4) 250(Barrel)/250(Barrel) 490/240 299/201 -37(0 - -69) -42(0 - -72) 80230-AZ004 Detail * Discontinued.
ROADSTER ND5RC P5-VP 15/05- MAX IV GT F=39(4)/R=39(4) 220(Barrel)/170 450/400 250/250 -43(0 - -100) -41(0 - -112) 80230-AZ003 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on 6speed MT MODEL.
ROADSTER ND5RC P5-VPR 15/05- MAX IV GT F=39(4)/R=39(4) 220(Barrel)/170 450/400 250/250 -43(0 - -100) -41(0 - -112) 80230-AZ003 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on 6speed MT MODEL.
ROADSTER NCEC LF-VE 05/08-15/04 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=39(4) 200/Special 392/157 343/127 -32(0 - -85) -29(-6 - -51) 80230-AZ006 Detail * Discontinued.
ROADSTER RF NDERC PE-VPR 16/12- MAX IV GT F=39(4)/R=39(4) 220(Barrel)/170 450/400 250/250 -43(0 - -113) -48(-1 - -92) 80230-AZ003 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on 6speed MT MODEL.
LANCER EVOLUTION IX CT9A 4G63 05/03-06/08 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=59(6) 250(Barrel)/200 1059/226 961/167 -34(0 - -87) -16(0 - -71) 80230-AM002 Detail * Discontinued.
LANCER EVOLUTION IX MR CT9A 4G63 06/08-07/09 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=59(6) 250(Barrel)/200 1059/226 961/167 -34(0 - -87) -16(0 - -71) 80230-AM002 Detail * Discontinued.
LANCER EVOLUTION V CP9A 4G63 98/01-98/12 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R=59(6) 200/200 1000/330 730/200 -46(-10 - -76) -28(0 - -66) 80230-AM003 Detail * Discontinued.
LANCER EVOLUTION Ⅵ CP9A 4G63 99/01-01/01 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R=59(6) 200/200 1000/330 730/200 -46(-10 - -76) -28(0 - -66) 80230-AM003 Detail * Discontinued.
LANCER EVOLUTION VII CT9A 4G63 01/02-03/01 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=59(6) 250(Barrel)/200 1059/226 961/167 -34(0 - -87) -16(0 - -71) 80230-AM002 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on CT9A.
LANCER EVOLUTION VIII CT9A 4G63 03/02-04/01 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=59(6) 250(Barrel)/200 1059/226 961/167 -34(0 - -87) -16(0 - -71) 80230-AM002 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on CT9A.
LANCER EVOLUTION VIII MR CT9A 4G63 04/02-05/03 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=59(6) 250(Barrel)/200 1059/226 961/167 -34(0 - -87) -16(0 - -71) 80230-AM002 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on CT9A.
LANCER EVOLUTION X CZ4A 4B11 07/10-15/09 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=49(5) 220(Barrel)/250 677/206 647/177 -32(-10 - -57) -23(0 - -58) 80230-AM001 Detail * Discontinued.
LANCER EVOLUTION WAGON CT9W 4G63 05/09-07/09 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=59(6) 250(Barrel)/200 1059/226 961/167 -34(0 - -87) -16(0 - -71) 80230-AM002 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on CT9A.
BRZ ZC6 FA20 12/03-21/07 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=39(4) 170/170 900/300 720/150 -16(0 - -60) -14(0 - -79) 80230-AT001 Detail * Discontinued.
IMPREZA WRX GDA EJ20(TURBO) 00/08-07/06 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=29(3) 220(Barrel)/250(Barrel) 1515/412 441/157 -47(-19 - -69) -16(-16 - -104) 80230-AF002 Detail * Discontinued.  For applied model A-G. Height data is based on WRX STI(GDB).
IMPREZA WRX STI GVF EJ25(TURBO) 10/07-14/08 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=59(6) 220(Barrel)/200 1422/373 461/177 -24(0 - -76) -29(0 - -82) 80230-AF001 Detail * Discontinued.
IMPREZA WRX STI GVB EJ20(TURBO) 10/07-14/08 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=59(6) 220(Barrel)/200 1422/373 461/177 -24(0 - -76) -29(0 - -82) 80230-AF001 Detail * Discontinued.
IMPREZA WRX STI GRF EJ25(TURBO) 09/02-14/08 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=59(6) 220(Barrel)/200 1422/373 461/177 -31(0 - -79) -34(0 - -88) 80230-AF001 Detail * Discontinued.
IMPREZA WRX STI GRB EJ20(TURBO) 07/10-14/08 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=59(6) 220(Barrel)/200 1422/373 461/177 -31(0 - -79) -34(0 - -87) 80230-AF001 Detail * Discontinued.
IMPREZA WRX STI GDB EJ20(TURBO) 00/10-04/05 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=29(3) 220(Barrel)/250(Barrel) 1515/412 441/157 -47(-19 - -69) -16(-16 - -104) 80230-AF002 Detail * Discontinued.  For WRX STI,applied model A-D.
IMPREZA WRX STI GDB EJ20(TURBO) 04/06-07/06 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=29(3) 220(Barrel)/250(Barrel) 1515/412 441/157 -33(0 - -56) -12(-12 - -99) 80230-AF003 Detail * Discontinued. For WRX STI,applied model E-G.
IMPREZA SPORT WAGON GGA EJ20(TURBO) 00/08-07/06 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=29(3) 220(Barrel)/250(Barrel) 1515/412 441/157 -47(-19 - -69) -16(-16 - -104) 80230-AF002 Detail * Discontinued.  For WRX,applied model A-G. Height data is based on WRX STI.
FORESTER SKE FB20 18/09- MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=49(5) 220(Barrel)/250(Barrel) 422/397 427/437 -32(26 - -51) -34(35- -67) 80230-AF018 Detail * Discontinued.
FORESTER SJG FA20(TURBO) 12/11-18/06 MAX IV GT F=49(5)/R=39(4) 250(Barrel)/250(Barrel) 1030/510 510/402 -30(-4 - -38) -45(0 - -88) 80230-AF017 Detail * Discontinued.
LEVORG VM4 FB16(TURBO) 14/06-20/10 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=59(6) 220(Barrel)/200 650/270 350/250 -26(0 - -90) -29(0 - -73) 80230-AF007 Detail * Discontinued. Height data is based on VMG (2.0L).
LEVORG VMG FA20(TURBO) 14/06-20/10 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=59(6) 220(Barrel)/200 650/270 350/250 -26(0 - -90) -29(0 - -73) 80230-AF007 Detail * Discontinued.
LEGACY B4 BMG FA20(TURBO) 12/05-14/10 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/200 843/157 559/147 -40(-20 - -90) -41(0 - -54) 80230-AF004 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on BRG. Extent the rear damper length by 3mm to make the case length to 243mm to avoid unnecessary contact with the brake hose. Helper springs are required to lower the rear height more than 41mm.
LEGACY B4 BMM FB25(NA) 12/05-14/10 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/200 843/157 559/147 -40(-20 - -90) -41(0 - -54) 80230-AF004 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on BRG. Extent the rear damper length by 3mm to make the case length to 243mm to avoid unnecessary contact with the brake hose. Helper springs are required to lower the rear height more than 41mm.
LEGACY B4 BM9 EJ25(NA) 09/05-13/04 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/200 843/157 559/147 -48(-28 - -79) -45(0 - -84) 80230-AF004 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is 'BR9(Touring Wagon)'.
LEGACY B4 BM9 EJ25(TURBO) 09/05-13/04 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/200 843/157 559/147 -48(-28 - -79) -45(0 - -84) 80230-AF004 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is 'BR9(Touring Wagon)'.
LEGACY B4 BL9 EJ25(NA) 07/11-08/05 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/200 647/206 951/167 -29(0 - -64) -18(0 - -86) 80230-AF005 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on BL5.
LEGACY B4 BL5 EJ20 03/06-09/05 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/200 647/206 951/167 -29(0 - -64) -18(0 - -86) 80230-AF005 Detail * Discontinued.
LEGACY B4 BLE EZ30 03/09-09/05 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/200 647/206 951/167 -29(0 - -64) -18(0 - -86) 80230-AF005 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on BL5.
LEGACY TOURING WAGON BRG FA20(TURBO) 12/05-14/10 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/200 843/157 559/147 -40(-20 - -90) -41(0 - -54) 80230-AF004 Detail * Discontinued.  Extent the rear damper length by 3mm to make the case length to 243mm to avoid unnecessary contact with the brake hose. Helper springs are required to lower the rear height more than 41mm.
LEGACY TOURING WAGON BRM FB25(NA) 12/05-14/10 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/200 843/157 559/147 -40(-20 - -90) -41(0 - -54) 80230-AF004 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on BRG. Extent the rear damper length by 3mm to make the case length to 243mm to avoid unnecessary contact with the brake hose. Helper springs are required to lower the rear height more than 41mm.
LEGACY TOURING WAGON BR9 EJ25(NA) 09/05-13/04 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/200 843/157 559/147 -48(-28 - -79) -45(0 - -84) 80230-AF004 Detail * Discontinued.
LEGACY TOURING WAGON BR9 EJ25(TURBO) 09/05-13/04 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/200 843/157 559/147 -48(-28 - -79) -45(0 - -84) 80230-AF004 Detail * Discontinued.
LEGACY TOURING WAGON BP9 EJ25(NA) 07/11-09/04 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/200 647/206 951/167 -30(0 - -64) -29(0 - -86) 80230-AF005 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on BP5.
LEGACY TOURING WAGON BP5 EJ20 03/05-09/04 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/200 647/206 951/167 -30(0 - -64) -29(0 - -86) 80230-AF005 Detail * Discontinued.
LEGACY TOURING WAGON BPE EZ30 03/09-09/04 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=69(7) 220(Barrel)/200 647/206 951/167 -30(0 - -64) -29(0 - -86) 80230-AF005 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on BP5.
ALTO WORKS HA36S R06A(TURBO) 15/12-21/12 MAX IV GT F=29(3)/R=21(2.2) 220(Barrel)//Special 226/98 172/83 -34(0 - -83) -26(0 - -53) 80230-AS003 Detail * Discontinued.
SWIFT ZC13S K10C(TURBO) 17/01-23/11 MAX IV GT F=39.2(4)/R=29.4(3) 200(Barrel) /Special 402/177 235/157 F=-33(-4 - -50) R=-30(-11 - -46) 80230-AS004 Detail * Discontinued. Install the provided 6mm collar to the stabilizer link's screw before installing this product to the vehicle.
SWIFT ZC72S K12B 10/08-17/01 MAX IV GT F=49(5)/R=39(4) 200(Barrel)/Special 441/177 226/147 -43(0 - -77) -30(-16 - -57) 80230-AS001 Detail * Discontinued. 2WD. Rear:Separate type. Height data is based on ZC32S.
SWIFT ZC71S K12B 07/05-10/08 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=39(4) 200/Special 637/177 245/147 -24(0 - -68) -32(-10 - -48) 80230-AS002 Detail * Discontinued.
SWIFT ZC21S M15A 04/11-09/03 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=39(4) 200/Special 637/177 245/147 -24(0 - -68) -32(-10 - -48) 80230-AS002 Detail * Discontinued.
SWIFT ZC11S M13A 04/11-10/08 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=39(4) 200/Special 637/177 245/147 -24(0 - -68) -32(-10 - -48) 80230-AS002 Detail * Discontinued.
SWIFT SPORT ZC33S K14C(TURBO) 17/09- MAX IV GT F=39.2(4)/R=29.4(3) 200(Barrel) /Special 402/177 235/157 F=-35(-6 - -63) R=-32(-12 - -58) 80230-AS004 Detail * Discontinued.
SWIFT SPORT ZC32S M16A 11/12-16/11 MAX IV GT F=49(5)/R=39(4) 200(Barrel)/Special 441/177 226/147 -43(0 - -77) -30(-16 - -57) 80230-AS001 Detail * Discontinued. 2WD. Rear:Separate type.
SWIFT SPORT ZC31S M16A 05/09-10/08 MAX IV GT F=59(6)/R=39(4) 200/Special 637/177 245/147 -24(0 - -68) -32(-10 - -48) 80230-AS002 Detail * Discontinued.
COPEN LA400K KF(TURBO) 14/06- MAX IV GT F=29(3)/R=24(2.4) 200(Barrel)/Special 196/98 137/98 -24(-7 - -52) -28(-6 - -51) 80230-AD002 Detail * Discontinued.  Warranty is void if the front spring rate is changed using direct coil springs.( Direct coil spring may come into contact with dust boots, and noise may occur.)
COPEN L880K JB-DET 02/06-12/08 MAX IV GT F=29(3)/R=22(2.2) 250(Barrel)/Special 333/167 245/147 -8(0 - -32) -12(-3 - -24) 80230-AD001 Detail * Discontinued. Rear:Separate type
CT200h ZWA10 2ZR-FXE(2ZR-3JM) 11/01- MAX IV GT F=49(5)/R= 49(5) 220(Barrel)/200 481/147 284/177 -35(0 - -84) -36(0 - -58) 80230-AT004 Detail * Discontinued.
GS250 GRL11 4GR-FSE 11/12-20/07 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=98(10) 250/220(Barrel) 1300/400 800/300 -11(0 - -96) -35(-28 - -77) 80230-AT005 Detail * Discontinued. Rear:Separate type.Height data is based on 'GS350'.
GS350 GRL10 2GR-FSE 12/01-20/07 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=98(10) 250/220(Barrel) 1300/400 800/300 -11(0 - -96) -35(-28 - -77) 80230-AT005 Detail * Discontinued. Rear:Separate type.
GS350 GRS191 2GR-FSE 05/08-11/12 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -41(0 - -71) -24(0 - -125) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  The lower limit of rear vehicle height is a value when a helper spring is removed.
GS430 UZS190 3UZ-FE 05/08-07/09 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -41(0 - -71) -24(0 - -125) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on 'GRS191'. The lower limit of rear vehicle height is a value when a helper spring is removed.
GS450h GWL10 2GR-FXE(2GR-1KM) 12/03-20/07 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=98(10) 250/220(Barrel) 1300/400 800/300 -15(0 - -96) -44(-37 - -84) 80230-AT005 Detail * Discontinued. Rear:Separate type.
GS460 URS190 1UR-FSE 07/09-11/12 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -41(0 - -71) -24(0 - -125) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on 'GRS191'. The lower limit of rear vehicle height is a value when a helper spring is removed.
HS250h ANF10 2AZ-FXE(2AZ-2JM) 09/07-18/03 MAX IV GT F=49(5)/R=49(5) 220(Barrel)/200(Barrel) 481/147 284/177 -47(0 - -68) -49(0 - -71) 80230-AT012 Detail * Discontinued. Rear:Separate type
IS F USE20 2UR-GSE 07/12-14/05 MAX IV GT F=157(16)/R=98(10) 200/220(Barrel) 1834/432 1285/235 -17(0 - -59) -19(0 - -117) 80230-AT002 Detail * Discontinued.
IS250 GSE30 4GR-FSE 13/05-16/09 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=88(9) 250/250 1200/350 750/250 -26(0 - -72) -25(0 - -61) 80230-AT011 Detail * Discontinued. Rear:Separate type. Height data is based on 'IS300h'.
IS250 GSE20 4GR-FSE 05/09-13/04 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -27(0 - -57) -28(0 - -126) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  Height data is based on 'IS350'. The lower limit of rear vehicle height is a value at the time of removing a helper spring.
IS300h AVE30 2AR-FSE(2AR-1KM) 13/05-16/09 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=88(9) 250/250 1200/350 750/250 -26(0 - -72) -25(0 - -61) 80230-AT011 Detail * Discontinued. Rear:Separate type
IS350 GSE31 2GR-FSE 13/05-16/09 MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=88(9) 250/250 1200/350 750/250 -26(0 - -72) -25(0 - -61) 80230-AT011 Detail * Discontinued. Rear:Separate type. Height data is based on 'IS300h'.
IS350 GSE21 2GR-FSE 05/09-13/04 MAX IV GT F=69(7)/R= 59(6) 200/250 853/226 745/196 -27(0 - -57) -28(0 - -126) 80230-AT003 Detail * Discontinued.  The lower limit of rear vehicle height is a value at the time of removing a helper spring.
RC350 GSC10 2GR-FSE 14/09- MAX IV GT F=78(8)/R=98(10) 250/220(Barrel) 1300/400 800/300 -9(0 - -79) -11(-7 - -60) 80230-AT005 Detail * Discontinued. Rear:Separate type.